
Showing posts from August, 2019

A World Full of Color

I love visiting my brother in New York City. We like to tease each other about living on opposite ends of the country. He lives in an "Industrial Jungle" and I live in a "Beach Paradise." Both descriptions are obviously exaggerated. As much as he likes to pick on my California lifestyle, he can't deny that So Cal is full of beautiful nature and full of color - particularly when we've had a rainy year. He lives in Queens surrounded by brown, gray, and beige buildings. The most colorful aspects of his neighborhood are the stoplights. As I was visiting my brother this past summer, we were passing through Brooklyn and walked alongside a fence full of colored panels. The way the light was passing through theses panels looked like a funky stained glass chapel. This little touch of color brought such life to this Brooklyn Square Park. Color is an aspect of light that some might take for granted. We see color on our screens everyday and hold nature to these

Instructor Blogging Instructions

Welcome to the Dance 287 Journal for Fall 2019. As artists, we all see the world in different ways but we all incorporate our surroundings into our art. To help understand lighting in a new way, these blog posts aim to increase your appreciation for light, in your daily life, and expand your vision as an artist.  They will also help develop your eye for light, not just in the theatre, but in your daily life. In order to more effectively understand how light can alter the perception of the audience; we need to first understand how it alters our perception on a daily basis. As we move through the quarter, I hope that this blog will help you to discover light in ways that you have not seen before. Perhaps you'll see colors you've never noticed before, you may recognize the angle of a certain light, and you will find ways to articulate how light makes you feel. In order to assist with this process, I've created this blog so that all of you may contribute a short pi