::Beverly Jane Bautista:: Week 4 - TEXTURE

Last night I attended an album release party for an artist named, Madame Gandhi. Her new album labeled, VISIONS, explores looking inward to envision a more positive future outward. Her party was full of soulful music and dance collaboration performances and personally, I was there to support my best friend who choreographed for the performance as well as for Madame Gandhi's latest music video. When I walked into the space, the texture of the ceiling felt like I was entering the creative space of her brain. She also performed in the round so it was natural to see her as the central figure. I couldn't help but feel engulfed by the light and it made me feel entranced as I listened to her music. 


  1. This is an awesome photo! So full of life and light! What a cool experience!

  2. Ohhh la la! Reminds me of jellyfish, under the sea. Or perhaps a space ship...

  3. Amazing photo and ceiling piece - great connection from the texture to your ideas and emotion about the world created!


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