Week #3: Stairway to Higher Ground - Brandye Lee

This picture was taken at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts. From the outside looking in, I was fascinated by how the lights danced behind the glass. I love how the lights spiral upward, forming a stairway to heaven or, perhaps to higher consciousness.  In this way, the lights appear to make an appeal to passersby, that arts are a necessary part of our human experience. I was intrigued by the way the lights help to define the space, creating a huge sculpture inside of what may otherwise be a pretty unremarkable space.  It's the lighting here that activates the space into a place of inspiration, and reminds me of the power that lighting designers possess.



  1. I was looking at this same building and its lighting recently after seeing my show at SCR - I love your interpretation of it - I have always loved the elegance of it.


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