Week 2: Inspiration of Light

Sunset taken by Chanel Kostich: Location (Marina Del Rey)

We've been talking a lot about light this week and it was inspirational to see people's projects turn into masterpieces when the lighting cues were instructed on them. I took this picture at sunset on the sailboat dock in Marina del Rey and it was such a sight to see the change in colors from the peak of the sunset to the after glow of the sunset. It started with just yellow and orange and then became a deep pink and purple. It left me speechless. The warmth of the colors made me feel at peace and when we talk about using warm and cool tones in class, it makes sense that we need the balance not just in life but on the stage as well. 


  1. Beautiful image and wonderful connection between light, emotion and inspiration :)

  2. Sunsets really are a wonder of color. Nice connection between warms and cools both on stage and in life.


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