::Week 2:: Tunnel Vision (Prompt: Inspiration)

One of the things I love about light is how it sets a mood, especially during night time. I was walking through the Anti-Mall with Marc in Costa Mesa, and I remember my eyes lit up as we walked toward this small walkway made of Compact Discs. As I walked through this tunnel, the different colors of overhead light made me feel inspired and also made me feel like I was being embraced by each color of light. There wasn't one color that stood out, but I feel like each color had it's own personality. My eye caught different perspectives of the tunnel and one that stood out was the vanishing point, or lines in a parallel perspective that appear to converge. This made me focus on the light at the end of the tunnel, and honestly, I feel like this is what I want to apply in life, not from a naive perspective, but always from a viewpoint of gratefulness. No matter how hard the process may be or if an in-the-moment experience can be frustrating, I have the choice to believe in the best and respond with love and kindness.


  1. I love this pic! All of the colors are great. The red and purple, specifically, give me an open-mic vibe (a la "Love Jones"), and make me feel "artsy." I see why you chose this as your subject for inspiration!

  2. Great image - I love the way you walk us through first the ceiling of the tunnel, which is what I was drawn to first but then you lead us to the light at the end and its importance, inspiration to you

    Nice post!


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