Week 4: "Bring it to Life" - Kent Shinomae

"Bring it to Life" - Taken by Kent Shinomae (outside PSTU 1100 on UC Irvine campus)

The other day while waiting for projects to begin for our lighting class, I waited outside of PSTU 1100 and was taken away by this beautiful shadow of a tree casting over the side of the building. What I love about the shadow created from sunlight is that it adds texture to the side of the building, where the color and structure is quite monotonous. It enhances the building by bringing it more to life with the shadows of the leaves and branches moving ever so slightly, giving the stiff brick wall some breath and fluidity. This texture that it creates is never always the same. It constantly shifts with what time of day it is and how much sunlight is hitting the tree. The wall is like a canvas and the art that is being drawn on it is always changing. Nothing is ever permanent and my life is continuously changing day by day as I go through grad school, but that's what makes it so exciting!!


  1. Wonderful post - very nice mix of what is happening with the texture on the wall and how it affects you - nice job!


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