WEEK#4- texture"~~~"Aliya Kerimujiang

Week#4- Dance Me, To the End of Light

I close my eyes and then I am completely and totally underwater. Deep, I look up without opening my eyes, as if from a bottom of an ocean or a sea. I don’t know which. Deja Vu, I sense the source of the light, but I know above or below me only darkness without end. Hundreds of jellyfish in one long flow, passing by me one after another, perform a foreign dance ceremony yet I find familiarity in it. I move silently with the water and leave only my temperature behind.

I open my eyes and I wake up from a dream to another dream. I come back to the surface of the water, and simply watch a duét performed by a source of light coming from an undefined modern building next to me and with this pool of water unquietly moving in front of me. I shall join this jam with my perception. 

I borrow Aura’s phone to improvise to this phenomenon. The dances you see here are the creation of my eyes, my man-made eyes (Iphone 5), the street light, and the water that temporarily stays in the corner of the fountain pool.  

Oh, I almost forgot to mention an invisible passerby-wind.
“Dance me, to the end of light.” I speak to them.
Then they move,  leaving nothing behind.


  1. You are a true artist! Love the poetry!

    1. You are so kind. Thank you for the words!

  2. Beautiful images and also text - as always captivating. In the future, please put in your name and the prompt (this week was texture) - you did not mention texture but I assume you knew the prompt given the texture in the photos??

    1. Hello, Lonnie. Yes, The texture is __~~~__ ,they exist in between the light, water and my perception and I try to capture them with my phone.


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