:: Beverly Jane Bautista :: Week 7 - Free Prompt

I find myself constantly being drawn to light and when I saw these shadows on my apartment floor, I couldn't help but feel energized and inspired. There is something about light being manipulated through shadows that I find fascinating. It made me think of the stage and how the audience could experience light from different angles. I noticed when I see more defined lines from the shadows, in contrast with the light, it feels harsher, but when I see softer shadows, it's comforting to me.  I am curious to create work where depth can be manipulated through light and highlight specific pathways. I wonder how it would feel as a dancer to dance in and out of each shaded and lit area, or I wonder how it would feel as a choreographer to stage groups of dancers that would play with certain pathways of light. I love seeing simple moments throughout my daily life turn into sparks of creativity.


  1. Wonderful post and questions to drive your choreography and collaboration with a designer :)


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