Brittany Woo - Week 7 - Natural Diffusion

I was walking my dog early in the morning this week, and the fog was incredibly spooky. Since there have been ideas of fog and haze for some New Slate pieces in our production meetings, it made me think of how this might affect light. The sun was out and bright at this point of the morning, but it was interesting how the fog diffused it. I couldn't even tell exactly where the sun was in the sky. Because of this, I was able to look at the whole sky rather than avoid the sun or close to it because of the UV rays. Although it seemed like the fog was hiding some things from view, in a way, it also opened up the world around me to let me look where I usually cannot.
This photo was looking out to where I can usually see for quite some distance. There's a parking lot, a walking path, and a childcare center all within eyesight, but the fog prevented me from seeing any of that. There's something spooky about the unknown, and the diffusing of the light done by the fog left me slightly uneasy. I found it interesting that there could be have been bright light or soft light at that point of the day, but because of the fog, the light didn't affect me as strongly as it usually does because it was diffused to intensely.


  1. Amazing photos. The bottom right one looks like a painting and has the feel of a show I am going to be doing in Alabama - based in WWI. Really great look at the diffusion of light and the "spooky" quality from the things that are concealed.


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