Dougie - Week 6 Site Specific

The Full Spectrum 

Once the sun goes down the lights come up in magnificent fashion at the Irvine Spectrum Center. At the core of this plaza is a wonderland of lights and activity. The tall palm trees are wrap to the top with white string lights which beams its shape into the sky. Standing underneath are large umbrellas with LED strips lining its arms, casting functional viewing light below and a red glow from above as it shines through the fabric. A temporary ice skating rink has been installed with color changing bulbs along the bottom that adds dimension and mood to the floor. An extra large digital monitor showcasing videos was erected on the otter circle of the entrance providing a visual spectacle as well. Towering above all of this is a fully lit ferris wheel that resembles the planet Jupiter with its swirling display of colors and bright otter ring. Surrounding this fantasyland are retail stores with their illuminated logo signs and entrance ways. These shops are like beacons guiding people to knew places and possibilities of amusement within this man made universe. In all, the the design and presentation of this central courtyard brings a smile to my face with excitement running through my veins. From my perspective the development, technology and design of this entertaining area works well as a family oasis in the middle of a shopping jungle.    

When it comes to the correct and incorrect use of lighting in retail storefronts, look no further than these business neighbors which serve as examples of their differences and effects on customers and the overall environment. 

The O bag company is a business that is doing it right when it comes to lighting their retail store. For starters their brand name is clearly visible from far away. That’s because their logo is design with the use of a wide band of light, like bold text on paper. The lights  from the sign shines through the back of the lettering as well, casting shadows onto the back wall. Along with the three demential build of the fixture the shadows from behind exaggerate it’s depth. As your eyes gaze down to the glass filled front entrance, they are met with a inviting lighting scene. It’s easy to see what makes the business “pop” by observing the detailing of the suspended lamp fixtures and the wooden frames that enclose them, which add a nice touch of design. Not only is it beautiful but functional too. They are being used as individual specials directing light to specific areas on the wall and floor, treating their store like a stage and all of their products like stars.

The retail Maybe Crazy must be crazy for not adding lights to the presentation of their logo sign. Its bright red text soon gets washed out by the dark nights sky, making it easy for people to simply walk right past it. Especially, because the surrounding environment is so colorful and vibrant. This dynamic contrast in lighting makes the establishment more of an “eye sore” to the overall visual scene then a contributory to the atmosphere. Its dimly lit interior and generic chrome fixtures doesn’t do much for the advertisement of their merchandise. This effect leaves their inventory looking rather dull and cheap. An upgrade in lighting concepts are definitely needed in this case. Because their current model isn’t effective for attracting nighttime traffic.


  1. I look forward to seeing these photos but your descriptions are great and show real thought into what is hurting or helping the stores.

    Nice overall statement and image - nice detail and also emotional impact.

    Nice post!


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