Jehbreal Week 7 "Come here!"

This week I decided to try the Brandywine cafeteria on campus and was struck by the fanciness of it! Why did it seem so fancy? Was it the wide open space? was it the sleek wood and marble architure? was it the placement/hue of the lighting that beckoned you to the various eating stations?

Though I'm not exactly sure what did what, I have no doubt that the stark reflective lighting had much to do with my response. And though there was a utilitarian function for the lighting behind the counters of food for the employees, it also did well to lead a moth to the flame. It seemed to funnel my focus to each respective station with equal focus in opposition to the three point perspective of the castle in Disney Land leading to the Small World. My focus here feels wide and panoramic like the picture style that I took like the ancient Chinese paintings, that similarly lacked a three point perspective, but rather encourage a wandering eye across a landscape where the images carry and equal importance.

It makes me curious how to replicate this on a stage, which in a proscenium setting has a bias towards 3 point perspectives.


  1. Scenery would help - the eye is being directed as much by lighting as it is by the shapes in the ceiling and the columns to separate the space - I love the perspective of the photo


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