Week 8: Obsession - Kent Shinomae "Colored Clear"

"Colored Clear" - Taken by Kent Shinomae (Grand Park in Downtown LA)

     Let's talk about an obsession I have. Water is seen as clear, due to its nature. However, when light with color is mixed with water, it creates an illusion that the water itself has color. I have always had a fascination of this phenomenon. Ever since I was little, I would love to watch water shows that incorporated the use of colored light. Some of the shows I've seen that has implemented this idea are "Fantasmic" at Disneyland, "World of Color" at California Adventure, the fountain show at the Wynn in Vegas, and "Le Reve," also at the Wynn. The addition of light with color adds this magical quality to something as simple and monotone like water. In my opinion, it adds more life and creates a fuller look as the color spreads through the entire volume of the water, like the green-colored fountain in Grand Park that I captured. I especially admired the color choices used for the fountains at Grand Park. Being that it is the holiday season and the trees surrounding the park have Christmas lights wrapped around their trunks, it was fitting to use green and red lights to express the Christmas colors. The park itself had minimal lighting in the evening, so the colors added to the fountains really stood out in the dark of the night and brought excitement on this quiet evening as I walked through the park.


  1. Really wonderful post.i completely agree, the idea of water as a surface for projection and light is truly magical


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