Week #8 - Water(gate) & Rainbows - Obsession - Brandye Lee

Water(gate)& Rainbows

On Wednesday afternoon, while on the way home from class, I spotted a rainbow in the sky. Not just one side of it, but both ends were visible, as the rainbow stretched across the big, open sky.  Just earlier that wet, rainy morning, I spotted my first rainbow of the day. In the moment, the colors were delightful against the grey sky, a picturesque surprise that reminded me to be grateful for the many wonderful opportunities that have been pouring through my life at this time. I am particularly grateful to my cohort at UCI, who together, remind me of this beautiful symbol. I’m also grateful for the discussion we had on Wednesday with Dr. Fisher about artist/activist Donald McKayle’s life work and legacy. It was Tuesday evening that I watched his work, “Rainbow ‘Round My Shoulder,” which gave voice to the voiceless. By the time I saw the full rainbow on Wednesday afternoon, I’d noticed the recurring theme. 

Fast forward a few days, and I’m cruising down Rock Creek Park in my dad’s car, as he carries me to the airport after a cold, rainy weekend at home. Feeling somewhat obsessed, I snap many pics of what’s left of the fall foliage, when we come to a stop light. Like many times before, I’m oddly struck by the ominous building in front of me. The Watergate, with it’s jagged architecture immediately reminds me of the impeachment obsession that has taken hold of my home town. The craze is pronounced as headline upon headline lays out sordid details in real time. I can’t even take ballet class without my watch alerting me to the latest impeachment proceeding update. I mention it to my dad, “Ugh! The Watergate!” And he casually replies, “This is the third impeachment I’ve lived through, Nixon being the first.” There’s a sinking feeling in my chest as I briefly ponder where our country is headed, as the great American divide persists. 

Just then, we round the corner to jump onto I-66. I look up, and a rainbow appears over the on-ramp to soothe the stormy feeling trying to settle in my heart. This beautiful rainbow vista becomes increasingly bigger as my dad continues to push the gas pedal. To my utter enjoyment, The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is splendidly wrapped in a 360 degree rainbow! 

This grand finale of a rainbow, cast onto the building’s white marble by a myriad of light bulbs, takes over me, as I think of God’s promise to Noah in the Old Testament: The flood may come, but I will bring you through it. This being one big 3D rainbow, I can’t help but know and be confident that our country will get through this turbulent time. As I absorb the building’s gorgeous hues, the loud and clear message for me is that artists must be a conduit for positive change, a source of hope, and a reservoir of inspiration. As Washington obsesses over issues that stir derisive division, I must choose to persistently focus on the hope of the rainbow, knowing that I, too, can be a beacon of light in dark times.  After making several special appearances this week, and getting stronger and more vibrant with each round, I can’t help but feel that there’s a rainbow ‘round my shoulders, and for that, I am endlessly thankful. 

1st rainbow of the day on Wednesday, UCI. 

One side of Wednesday afternoon’s rainbow, UCI. 

The Watergate, Washington DC. 

A rainbow peeks over the ramp for I-66, Washington DC. 


  1. Wonderful comment on obsession and the state of our nation coupled with the possibility of hope, so glad that light can help to personify that hope

  2. Please remember to add your name to the post


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