::Beverly Jane Bautista:: Week 9 - Free Prompt

As Week 9 comes to a close, my energy keeps fighting the feeling of being depleted, and I am constantly finding ways to rejuvenate my soul. I wasn't entirely excited to visit a mall on Black Friday, but it ended up being better than expected because there weren't as many people as I thought would show up for the Black Friday sales--or maybe I missed the rush. Yesss! Either way, as I was headed down an escalator, my eye caught this neon design on the wall and I immediately felt a bolt of rejuvenation to "keep going." I felt energized as my eyes followed the different colors of yellow, purple, and blue neon light. In some ways it felt like a 3-D puzzle popping out at me and the abstract lines reminded me of what it feels like to go with the flow of life because it is never the way I anticipate or want it to be! These moments of seeing light in new ways reminds me to find peace in the chaos of life and enjoy the journey. I'm trying! :)


  1. I am so glad that light can help rejuvenate you - this shows me that class has had a true impact on you - thank you for your time and effort


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