Brittany - Week 10 - Passion

 I took these photos during tech rehearsals of New Slate this past week. It reminded me of "passion" in an interesting way. Passion makes me think of fervor and frenzy. When I think of passion, I think of uncontrollable, intense feelings. The photo on the left reminds me of the feeling of frenzy and intensity. The way the light is both striking and diffused at the same time makes me feel the uncontrollable excitement that passion can produce.
The photo on the right makes me think of passion in another sense. This type of passion is the passion that makes all the work worth it. It is the ongoing feeling that drives me to continue when the work gets hard and the morale gets low. The lighting in this piece is stark and bare, it reminds me of the time when passion comes in to save me. D=It is during these stark, vulnerable times that the passion for what I do makes me continue on and makes it all worthwhile. As the quarter comes to a close, I am thankful for the passion. It motivates me, pushes me, and excites me all at the same time. Thanks for a great quarter everyone. Your passion for the art we create inspires me. 1st quarter of graduate school = done... Can I get a watt watt?!


  1. Very nice post - I love the pun at the end. I also love your various takes on passion and that you were able to take it from your piece :)


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