Week 9: Chanel Kostich: Tech Rehearsal New Slate

During my Tech Rehearsal for New Slate, I was working with Savannah on the spacing with the lighting she created for my piece Bla Bla Bla Cha Cha Cha. We both talked about giving each couple a special for the intro of my piece. Since the stage in the Claire Trevor Theatre is small, it was a struggle to get individual spotlights on each couple so she adjusted to make the Stage Right spotlight a little smaller to help with my spacing. As you can see in this picture, each couple is in their own spotlight but the couple on Stage Right has a smaller special. From the beginning of the night, we worked with having pops of color on the cyc but Savannah's teacher said it took away from the Jazz Club atmosphere so we played around with taking out the cyc and having a black curtain. As a choreographer, I felt that we needed some color to make the dancer's pop in the piece and so we went back to adding bright colors to the cyc as you see in the picture. It was helpful to see the big picture of what everything was going to look like in the show as we went through the technical process and did process of elimination with the lighting cues that were set up.


  1. Nice image and post. I am so glad you were able to explore so much. As this post was a week later, I had to mark it as late but thank you for doing it.


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